Tips to crack the English Exam

English is a subject that includes the study of poems, literature, essays and stories written in the english language. As English is the official language of Australia, India, the US and few Countries, schools of the respective countries follow english as the primary subject. Schools prefer spoken english as the medium of communication to develop the speaking skills. Indian schools divide english subject as english paper 1 and 2 where in paper 1, you will concentrate more on grammar and in paper 2, you will be learning about lessons and stories. Broadly, english paper explores the production and in depth analysis of texts and phrases created from the english language. Fluency in english is must as english is the Global language which will help you to communicate over the world. Hence, Syllabus of english subject may include:
Grammar& Vocabulary building skills
Non Detail stories
Career opportunities:
As English is the basic necessity, a candidate who excels in english (writing& speaking) is widely preferred by most of the MNCs for proper business communication.
A candidate with English as major field of study has obvious career opportunities for publishing, writing, journalism, advertising, marketing and teaching.
How to Prepare for English Exam?
Memorizing Vocabulary words:
Flashcards are the best way to memorize the English words. Write the English word on the one side of the card and the definition on the other side. You can revise by yourself or someone else can evaluate you.
Analyze the root word of your Word, its prefixes and suffixes. This helps you to get the educated guess about the Words which you are learning.
Reviewing Literature:
Read the text, Sentences of a poem or short stories again and again. If you have taken notes while taking class, review the notes and read the Text. This helps you to form a meaningful guess about the poem or lesson.
Reading Syllabus, Titles and Introduction about the particular Lesson helps you to get the broad Idea about the lessons while revising.
Relate the Pictures of the Lessons with the Topics. This helps you to learn the lesson or a poem easily.
Determining Exam Content:
Refer your study guide with the syllabus and make sure that you have revised the all the vital topics. Attend the English class conducted prior to the Exam. Your teacher may guide you with the simple techniques to learn particular topics. Of course, Last minute classes or preparation may last until your exam.
Be sure with the exam pattern and previous year questions asked.cForming a study Group may also help you to learn prudently.
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